The Ultimate A to Z Guide to Google Analytics Dictionary

The Ultimate A to Z Guide to Google Analytics Dictionary for Beginners 2021 will give a brief description of the A to Z terms you should know in Google Analytics.

Google Analytics is a tool developed by Google for measuring traffic on websites and their flow of traffic behavior activities. It helps you to drive brief data, accurate reports on ROI. And also helps you to justify further improvements and strategies required.

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Let’s Get Straight into the Google Analytics Dictionary

A – Google Analytics Dictionary


 The Google Analytics Acquisition Summary report lets you use behavioral and conversion analytics to measure the performance of different traffic sources (channels). This report shows the overview of Acquisition, Behavior & Conversion cycle: how the website gets users, what happens on the site, and the conversion path. The whole reports describe how the visitors came to your website.

Analytics Intelligence

Analytics Intelligence is a machine learning algorithm used in Google Analytics that lets you easily drill down into Google Analytics data and get the insights you need. It also Identifies the trends and changes in your whole data.


An attribution model is a set of rules that determines how sales and conversion credits are assigned to touchpoints in a conversion path.


Audience in Google Analytics refers to the groups of users who group Google Analytics based on combinations of attributes that make sense to your business. These properties can be broad or limited to the extent desired. These properties allow advertisers to run custom ads in real-time. Audience Reports provide insights into user characteristics like age, gender, devices, interests, etc.…

Average Session Duration: Google Analytics Dictionary

Google Analytics divides the total time(in seconds) of all sessions for a specified period by the total number of sessions at the same time by calculating the average session time. 


Average Session Duration refers to the average amount of time a user spends on your website.

Average Time on Page

The average time on page in Google Analytics refers to the page metrics considers opt-out and non-bounce. Most Web sites have a bounce rate of more than 50 percent, and the average page time comes from users who haven’t bounced the other half. The average session time counts all bounces as 0 seconds.

The higher amount of average time on the page indicates that the page is informative with good content.

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B – Google Analytics Dictionary


The “Behavior” section identifies the behavior of visitors on your site. Specifically, the report shows the pages the user visited and the actions they performed when they visited. You can access the behavior reports using menus in the left column of the Google Analytics dashboard. Example: Entrance & Exit Page insights.


Benchmarking is an insights tool in Google Analytics. It compares your site’s performance to previous results and your industry’s average. It provides valuable context to your business, gives insights into industry trends, and helps to compare your metrics to competitors.


bounce in Google Analytics referred to as a single-page session on a website. When a user lands on the landing page and immediately goes away, then it is called Bounce.

Bounce Rate

The bounce rate is the percentage of single-page access (or Web session). This is the percentage of users who leave the site and no longer view the landing page. Google Analytics calculates and reports the bounce rate of a page and the bounce rate of the website.

C – Google Analytics Dictionary

Campaign Tags: Google Analytics Dictionary

Campaign tags are the process by which you can add tags to site links used in marketing campaigns. These tags can pass information about the link you click to Google Analytics.


In Google Analytics, channels or marketing channels are multiple groups of traffic sources with the same media. For example, ‘Organic search,’ Paid Search,’ ‘Social’ and ‘Email’ is a marketing channel.


Conversion in Google Analytics refers to actions that you calculate when people interact with your ads. Such as clicking on text ads or displaying video ads, and actions that are valuable to your business, such as buying online or calling on a mobile phone.

Conversion Rate

Conversion Rate in Google Analytics refers to the average number of conversions per ad interaction as a percentage. It is simply calculating conversions and dividing conversions by the total number of ad interactions that can track conversions over the same period of time.

CPC – Cost Per Click

You can see your CPC in the Acquisitions report, usually for people who click on your site in paid ads.

Custom Dimensions & Custom Metrics

Each Analytics property has an index that is available for 20 custom dimensions, and a custom metric has 20 indexes. Custom Dimensions or Metrics are Used to import specific company data (like client ID’s from WordPress /Salesforce) and combine it with Google Analytics data.

Custom Report

A custom report in Google Analytics is a report that you create using Select dimensions (such as cities and browsers) and metrics (such as sessions, page views, and bounce rates) to determine how they are displayed. And there is a must and should specify at least one metric and one dimension.

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D – Google Analytics Dictionary

Demographics and Interests: Google Analytics Dictionary

Demographic and interest data provide information about the user’s age and gender, as well as the interest expressed by the user through online travel and purchase activities.


Dimensions are used in conjunction with metrics in a way that displays and segments qualitative data in Google Analytics. For example, you can view metric bounce rates using the dimension value login page in a report, and e-commerce merchants can help you understand the pages on which users can navigate your site further.


Google Analytics defines direct traffic as website visits from visitors that came on your website by typing your website URL directly into their browser or Email campaigns or through browser bookmarks and, etc. 

E – Google Analytics Dictionary


Events can be measured by the user interacting with content independently of web pages or screen loads. Mobile ad clicks, video views, downloads, gadgets, AJAX embedded elements, Flash elements, and video playback are examples of actions to measure as events.

F – Google Analytics Dictionary


Google Analytics uses filters in views to divide data into smaller groups. You can use filters to include only a specific subset of traffic, exclude the unwanted data, or find and replace specific information.

First-click Interaction

The First Touch or First-click is the first channel that the user operates before converting on the site. This is also known as the first click and the first operation or First-Click Interaction.

Funnel Visualisation

In the Funnel visualization report, you can simply look at your site’s performance analysis, just by looking at your conversion rate and overall conversion rate. When you set conversion for tracing, it is important to consider all funnel steps that can be tracked in the process. Funnel visualization is a tool that is used to maps the steps or pages that customers perform when visiting a Web site.

G – Google Analytics Dictionary


Goals represent completed activities that help your business succeed, called conversions. And it is used to measure your app fulfills or website target objectives. For example: Submitting an inquiry, payment is made, subscribing to email, and so on.

Google Ads: Google

Google Ads is a platform developed by Google for online advertising that allows advertisers to display simple ads, services, product performance, video content, and You can pay a fee to display to the user. The main purpose of Google ads is to reach new customers online.

Google Data Studio

Google Data Studio is a dashboard and reporting tool that is easy to use, easy to customize and easy to share. This enables you to transform your data into engaging and informative reports from Google Analytics.

Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a tag management system (TMS) that makes it easy to add fragments of custom or templated code, called tags, to your website. Tags can include the ability to add Analytics tracking, manage ad pixels, and create other sites.

K – Google Analytics Dictionary


The keyword is defined as the word which is used to find particular information by typing on the browser’s search bar to discover a particular website.

L – Google Analytics Dictionary

Landing Page

The first page that appears during the session, the entry page is called a landing page.

Last-Click Interaction

The last touch is the last channel that the user interacts with before converting the site. It is also known as the last click and last interaction. The sales and conversion credits are assigned to the last channel in the conversion path.

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M – Google Analytics Dictionary


A Medium is an important tool because Google Analytics tells you not only how people interact with your site, but also where they come from. This part of GA segments it by showing inbound links, link types, and which sites are linked to their own links.

e.g., ‘CPC’ for cost-per-click, ‘organic’ for free search traffic, and ‘referral links’ for inbound links from other sites.


The number or percentage of the data column is typically displayed in the report.

N – Google Analytics Dictionary

New User

The first user who visited the site within the selected date range.

Not Provided

Since 2010, Google will no longer provide keyword data made on Google Security’s version, such as, and will be used to protect the privacy of searchers.

Not Set

The placeholder name that Analytics uses when information for the selected dimension is not received. For example. Google Analytics cannot determine the location of someone.

O – Google Analytics Dictionary

Organic Visitors

Visitors visit the site after searching on or other search engines without having to click on paid search ads are called Organic Visitors

P – Google Analytics Dictionary

Pages Per Session

Shows the number of pages visited by visitors while browsing the website.


When a user views a page on a web site, the report is reported.

Paid Search

People who visit your site from Google Ads or other paid search ads.


Represents a website or app and collects points in data analysis. You can only add 50 properties for each Google Analytics account.

R – Google Analytics Dictionary


When a user clicks a website from another third-party Web site is called Referral.

S – Google Analytics Dictionary

Search Console

Helps to Measure your site’s search traffic and performance in Google search results, fix problems, and light up your site’s tools and reports.


Analysis tools allow you to isolate & compare different groups of users on your site.


One visit to a Web site that contains one or more page views, events, eCommerce transactions, and other interactions. The session ends after 30 minutes of inactivity or when the user closes the browser window.

Site Search

Learn the scope of the site search feature used by users and the search terms you type.


The source is the communication of the user, where he came from. For example: If the media is organic, the source is Google Search.

U – Google Analytics Dictionary

URL Builder

With the help of URL Builder, you can add additional information such as
campaign tags,
UTM tags, and parameters,
to the URL of an online campaign or ad campaign.

V – Google Analytics Dictionary


A predefined view of the data from the property. You can add up to 25 views to a property.

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Siva Prasad Padhy is an experienced technology writer and consultant specializing in the field of Information Technology. With a deep passion for all things tech, Siva combines his technical expertise with a knack for writing informative and engaging content. Having worked in the IT industry for over 5 years, Siva has gained extensive knowledge in various domains, including cloud computing, cybersecurity, data management, artificial intelligence, and software development. His expertise extends to industry-leading technologies such as Microsoft Azure, AWS, MuleSoft, and more. Throughout his career, Siva has helped businesses of all sizes navigate the ever-evolving technology landscape.As a skilled writer, Siva has a knack for breaking down complex IT concepts into easily digestible content for readers of all backgrounds. His articles and blog posts are known for their clarity, accuracy, and practical insights. Siva's goal is to empower readers with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions and stay ahead in the rapidly advancing world of technology. When he's not writing or consulting, you can find Siva exploring the latest advancements in IT, experimenting with new technologies, or sharing his expertise through speaking engagements and webinars. He is committed to staying at the forefront of technological advancements and helping businesses harness the power of technology for their growth and success.
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