SEO Interview Questions and Answers

In the event that you are getting ready for a new position and searching for the most comprehensive and complete rundown of SEO interview questions and answers , you’ve come to right spot.

We’ve covered everything from the basics to some further developed SEO Interview questions. Our objective was to cover each Interview question you are probably going to be asked in an Interview. Let’s check below for SEO Interview Questions and Answers prepared by experts from Tutorials Mania.

In this Interview Questions Blog You’ll learn

SEO Interview Questions

  1. What does SEO in Digital Marketing stand for?
  2. What is SEO?
  3. Why Search Engine Optimization is important for any website?
  4. What is a Search Engine?
  5. What is a Keyword?
  6. Why Keywords are important for a web page to rank?
  7. What does SERP stands for?
  8. What are the types of SEO?
  9. What is On-page Optimization?
  10. What are the factors in On-page optimization SEO?

Take a Deep Dive For more SEO Interview Questions

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SEO Interview Questions and Answers

Q1. What does SEO in Digital Marketing stand for?

Answer: SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization.

Q2. What is SEO?

Answer: Search Engine Optimization is the way toward expanding the quality and amount of site traffic by expanding the perceivability/visibility of a site or a web page to visitors of a web search engine tool. Search engine optimization alludes to the improvement of unpaid outcomes and excludes direct traffic/guests/visitors and the acquisition of paid arrangement.

Q3. Why Search Engine Optimization is important for any website?


Search Engine Optimization is Google’s method for figuring out which destinations have the right to rank exceptionally for each inquiry that went into its web crawler. 

Search Engine Optimization is significant in light of the fact that it keeps the output results reasonable. Visitors trust search engines, and searchers accomplishing a top spot in web search signs that your website is a highly credible source. The higher you rank in results pages, the more traffic and more clicks your site will create.

Q4. What is a Search Engine?


Search Engine Optimization is a program that scans/searches for and recognizes items in a database that compares to characters or keywords specified by the visitor, utilized particularly for finding specific websites/destinations on the World Wide Web.

Q5. What is a Keyword?


The keyword is a word that describes the content on your web page. Keywords are proposed to go about as easy routes that summarize a whole page. It is the search term that you need to rank for with a specific web page. So when individuals search with keywords on Google or other search engines, they should find that page in SERP. The keyword helps to find a particular webpage via search engines.

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Q6. Why Keywords are important for a web page to rank?

Answer: Keywords are the interconnections between your website and Search engines. Choosing the right keyword with proper keyword optimization can help you to rank in search engines.

Q7. What does SERP stands for?

Answer: SERP stands for Search Engine Results Page.

Q8. What are the types of SEO?

Answer: There are 2 types of SEO

They are 

1) On-Page SEO

2) Off-Page SEO

Q9. What is On-page Optimization?

Answers: On-page optimization refers to the changes made inside the website to increase the traffic and rank of a web page in SERP. Which includes content and HTML source code of a web page.

Q10. Mention the factors in On-page SEO?


On-page optimization factors are 

  1. SEO Title Optimization
  2. Url Optimization
  3. Meta Description Optimization
  4. Landing Page Title Optimization
  5. Content Optimization
  6. Keyword Optimization
  7. BreadCrumbs Optimization
  8. Meta tags optimization
  9. Internal linking optimization
  10. External Linking optimization
  11. Site Speed Optimization
  12. Canonical URL Optimization
  13. Footer Optimization
  14. Image Optimization

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Q11. What is Off-Page SEO?

Answer: Off-Page SEO refers to the activities that made outside the webpages to increase the positions of the website rankings in the Search Engine Results Page. In general, Off-Page activities refer to promotional activities like link building and add postings to increase the rankings in search engines.

Q12. What are the factors in Off-Page SEO?

Answer: Off-Page SEO includes the link building activities like

  1. SBM Postings
  2. Classified Postings
  3. Event Postings
  4. Pdf submissions
  5. Bookmark Submissions
  6. Social Media Sharing
  7. Local Listings
  8. Local Area Postings
  9. Link exchanging
  10. Blog commenting
  11. Forum Postings
  12. Community Postings
  13. Question & Answer postings
  14. Google My Business Postings
  15. Guest Postings

Q13. Name the Few search engines

Answer: Google, Bing, Baidu,, are named as few…

Q14. What is a Backlink?

Answer: The incoming link to your web page or website from another website is called Backlink.

Q15. What is Inbound linking?

Answer: Inbound Linking refers to the linking which is given inside the web pages to other pages on a single website.

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Q16. What is Outbound Linking? – SEO Interview Questions

Answer: Outbound linking refers to the linking which is given to the different web pages in different websites. 

Q17. What is Web Crawling?

Answer: Web crawling is the process of which search engine robots crawl a website for indexing. They are called spiders or spider robots. Crawlers use hyperlinks to access other pages and documents and return information to the Web server for indexing. When the crawler visits the page, it copies the page and adds the URL to the index. The fresher the content you create, the more frequently your website will be crawled by search engines.

Q18. What are Meta Tags? – SEO Interview Questions

Answer: Meta Tags are the snippet format of the text, which describes the web page content. Meta Tags are used to specify keywords, page description, author of the document, and other information.

Q19. Name the four important meta tags in SEO and what are their character limits?

Description Meta tag — 150 characters limits
Keyword Meta tag — 200 characters limits
Title Meta tag — 60 characters limits
Meta Robot tag – N/A

Q20. What is DO-Follow and No-Follow Link?


Do-Follow: Do-Follow links are the backlinks that allow Link juice to pass-through the websites. Search engines crawlers only follow do-follow links.

No-Follow: No-Follow Links are the backlinks that don’t allow Link Juice to pass through the websites.

Basically, all the links are do-follow, until and unless they modified as no-follow. No-Follow links are given manually by giving rel attribute as No-Follow.

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Top SEO Interview Questions and Answers

Q21. What is the Length of Title Tag?

Answer: Title tag is also called SEO Title. According to Google, the Title Tag ranges between 50-60 characters length. 

Q22. Name Few SEO Mandatory Tools

Answer: Google Webmasters, Google Analytics, Google Keyword Planner.

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Q23. What is the purpose of Googlebot?

Answer: Googlebot is used for indexing and updating the web page information. Googlebot is used for caching, crawling and Indexing of webpage by collecting the information from webpages.

Q24. What is Black hat SEO?

Answer: Blackhat SEO refers to a set of practices, which are used to increase the website rank by violating the search engine guidelines. Black hat SEO techniques are considered as spamdexing.

Q25. What is White hat SEO?

Answer: White Hat SEO refers to a set of practices and tactics to increase the website ranking by following the Search Engine Guidelines.

Q26. What is Keyword Stuffing?

Answer: keyword stuffing means repeating the target keyword numerous times, which is not the best practice. Keyword stuffing is also called a Blackhat technique in SEO.

Q27. What is Keyword Stemming?

Answer: Keyword Stemming is also called a White hat SEO technique. The keyword stemming process includes adding a prefix, Suffix, and pluralization to make new keywords.  

Q28. What factors makes a website/webpage search engine friendly?

Answer: There are many factors comes into consideration while making a website search engine friendly. They are proper keyword optimization, metatags optimization, title optimization, content optimization are named as few…

Q29. What is page speed in SEO?

Answer: Page speed refers to the loading time of a webpage/website to land in landing page.

Q30. How to reduce page load time?

Answer: In order to reduce page loading time we have to check with some factors such as reducing the image size, reducing redirects, enabling compressing, use browser caching, avoid self hosted videos, improving server response time and so on..

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Q31. What is Domain Authority?

Answer: Domain Authority (DA) is developed by Moz that predicts how well a website will rank on search engine result pages (SERPs). And it is also considered as one of the search engine ranking factors. Domain Authority is calculated by evaluating multiple factors, including linking root domains and number of total links, into a single DA score.

Q32. What is the use of Canonical url in SEO?

Answers: A canonical tag specifies the source URL or original content page of a given page to a search engine such as Google.  

If you have similar content in different urls, then you can use Canonical url to find which is version is main one and thus, should be indexed.

Q33. What is Cloaking?

Answer: Cloaking is a black hat SEO technique that enables you to create two different pages. One page is designed for the users, and the other is created for the search engine crawlers. It is used to present different information to the user than what is presented to the crawlers. Cloaking is against the guidelines of Google, as it provides users with different information than they expected. So, it should not be used to improve the SEO of your site.

Q34. What is robot.txt?

Answer: robots.txt, is used by websites to communicate with web crawlers and other web robots. The standard specifies how to inform the web robot about which areas of the website should not be processed or scanned. Robots are often used by search engines to categorize websites.

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Real-time SEO Interview Questions and Answers

Q35. What is keyword density?

Answer: Keyword density is the percentage of times a keyword appears on a website/web page compared to the total no. of words on the web page. With the help of keyword density we can check whether a web page is relevant to keyword or not. Keyword density in webpage should be 3 to 4 times, it should not be more than that.

Q36. What is a Sitemap?

Answer: A sitemap refers to the map of a website. It is the detailed structure of a site that includes different sections of your site with internal links.

Q37. What is 301 redirect?

Answer:  301 redirection is also called temporary redirection from old url to new url. 

Q38. How will you increase the Pagerank of a page?

Answer: Inorder to increase the page rank of any website, you must build more number of high page rank and high domain authority site backlinks. 

Q39. What E A T stands for in SEO?

Answer: Expertise, Authority, and Trust Worthiness – it is mainly used for YMYL sites and Medical sites.

Q40. What is local SEO?

Answer: Local search engine optimization is similar to SEO in that it is also a process affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a web search engine’s unpaid results often referred to as “natural”, “organic”, or “earned” results. Local SEO is all about ‘optimizing‘ your online presence to attract more business from relevant local searches.

41. How does hummingbirds change the search landscape?

Answer: Hummingbird was released in 2013 to help create a search context and keep us away from strictly following keywords to understand the searcher’s intentions.

42. How do you see SEO changes in the near future?

Answer: This answer is more subjective and shows that if your predictions turn out to be wrong, no one blames you, but giving a well thought out answer will focus on the industry. We can talk about the two indexes that Google will use in 2018, how it affects mobile SEO, and the continued importance (and what it looks like) to provide a great user experience. Local search is still a topic, and voice search is also a hot topic. Before answering the SEO interview question, look at what the expert is saying first, you become the person you know.

43. What is Doorway pages?

Answer: A doorway page is a page mainly created for spamdexing. This is the result of inserting a specific phrase and sending visitors to other pages to spam the search engine index.

44. What is 302 redirect?

Answer: A 301 redirection is a permanent relocation of a URL, and a 302 redirect is a temporary change that has a limited time to redirect users and search engines to the required new location until the redirect is removed.

45. What is a guest post?

Answer: In SEO, guest posts are a form of link building and content marketing by contacting another webmaster (usually via email) to add contextual links to the site/blog and then making a written statement to that person. This ‘contract’ may be free of charge or may require you to pay a small administrative fee. Some websites create paid content.

46. Is YouTube good for SEO?

Answer: Thumbnails of your videos are not a ranking factor that YouTube uses directly, but it still has a big impact on your SEO. A good thumbnail means more clicks and means better SEO.

47. What is Page Rank?

Answer: PageRank (PR) is an algorithm utilized by Google Search to rank sites in their results page. PageRank is a method for estimating the significance of website pages. As per Google PageRank works by checking the number and nature of links to a page to decide how significant the website is.

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