Drupal Interview Questions And Answers

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to Drupal interview questions and answers! Whether you’re a seasoned Drupal developer or just starting out in the world of web development, this resource is designed to help you prepare for your next Drupal-related job interview. Drupal, as one of the leading content management systems (CMS) powering millions of websites worldwide, has become a crucial skill set for developers and site administrators alike.

Each question is accompanied by a detailed answer to not only provide you with the solution but also to help you understand the underlying concepts better. Whether you’re brushing up on your Drupal knowledge or preparing for a job interview, we hope this resource proves invaluable in your journey to mastering Drupal development.

Basic Drupal Interview Questions And Answers

1. What is Drupal?

Drupal is an open-source content management framework written in PHP. It allows users to easily create, manage, and organize content on websites.

2. What are the key features of Drupal?

  • Content Management
  • User Management
  • Customizable Design
  • Extensibility with Modules
  • Accessibility
  • Security
  • Multilingual Support

3. What is a module in Drupal?

A module in Drupal is a collection of files that provides additional functionality to the core Drupal framework. Modules can be enabled, disabled, and configured to extend the features of a Drupal site.

4. How can you extend the functionality of Drupal?

The functionality of Drupal can be extended through the use of modules and themes. Modules add specific features and functionality, while themes control the appearance of the site.

5. What is the difference between a module and a theme in Drupal?

  • Module: Adds functionality to the Drupal site.
  • Theme: Controls the appearance and layout of the Drupal site.

6. What are the different types of modules in Drupal?

  • Core Modules
  • Contributed Modules
  • Custom Modules

7. What is a node in Drupal?

In Drupal, a node is a piece of content. It could be an article, blog post, page, or any other type of content that can be created and managed within the Drupal system.

8. How do you create a custom module in Drupal?

To create a custom module in Drupal, you typically create a folder within the modules directory, define a .info.yml file to declare the module’s metadata, and create a .module file to define the module’s functionality using PHP code.

9. What is a theme in Drupal?

A theme in Drupal is a collection of files (such as templates, CSS files, and JavaScript files) that define the presentation layer of a Drupal site. Themes control the layout, design, and styling of the site.

10. How do you install a module in Drupal?

Modules can be installed in Drupal by downloading the module files, placing them in the modules directory within the Drupal installation, and then enabling the module through the Drupal administration interface.

11. What is a block in Drupal?

A block in Drupal is a modular unit of content or functionality that can be displayed in regions (such as sidebars, footers, or content areas) on a Drupal site. Blocks can be created, configured, and positioned through the Drupal administration interface.

12. How do you create a custom block in Drupal?

Custom blocks can be created in Drupal by defining a block plugin class, implementing hook_block_info() and hook_block_view() in a custom module, and then configuring the block through the Drupal administration interface.

13. What is a taxonomy in Drupal?

Taxonomy in Drupal refers to the system for categorizing and organizing content. It allows content to be classified into hierarchical or non-hierarchical vocabularies, with terms representing categories or tags.

14. How do you create a taxonomy vocabulary in Drupal?

Taxonomy vocabularies can be created in Drupal by navigating to the “Structure” > “Taxonomy” page in the administration interface, clicking on “Add vocabulary,” and then configuring the vocabulary settings such as name, description, and hierarchy.

15. What is a view in Drupal?

A view in Drupal is a customized listing of content, users, or other data entities that can be created and configured through the Views module. Views allow site administrators to create complex queries and display the results in various formats.

16. How do you create a view in Drupal?

Views can be created in Drupal by navigating to the “Structure” > “Views” page in the administration interface, clicking on “Add view,” and then configuring the view settings such as data source, fields, filters, and display format.

17. What is Drush?

Drush is a command-line shell and scripting interface for Drupal. It provides a set of command-line tools for performing common Drupal tasks such as module installation, database updates, and site administration.

18. How do you clear the cache in Drupal?

The cache in Drupal can be cleared through the administration interface by navigating to the “Configuration” > “Performance” page and clicking on the “Clear all caches” button.

19. What is the Drupal hook system?

The Drupal hook system is a mechanism for extending and altering the functionality of Drupal core and contributed modules. Hooks are PHP functions that are invoked at specific points during the execution of Drupal’s processing pipeline.

20. What is the difference between hook_menu and hook_menu_alter?

  • hook_menu: Used to define menu items and their callbacks.
  • hook_menu_alter: Used to alter existing menu items defined by other modules.

Intermediate Drupal Interview Questions And Answers

21. What is the purpose of the settings.php file in Drupal?

The settings.php file in Drupal contains configuration settings such as database connection information, caching settings, and site-specific configuration options. It is used to configure Drupal’s behavior and settings.

22. What is the role of the .htaccess file in Drupal?

The .htaccess file in Drupal is a configuration file used by the Apache web server to control access to directories and files. It contains directives that configure various aspects of the server’s behavior, such as URL rewriting and access control.

23. What is the difference between content types and entities in Drupal?

  • Content Types: Pre-defined bundles of fields used to store specific types of content, such as articles, pages, or blog posts.
  • Entities: Objects within Drupal that represent content, users, taxonomy terms, or other data. Content types are a type of entity.

24. What is the Form API in Drupal?

The Form API (also known as FAPI) in Drupal is a set of APIs and conventions for building and processing HTML forms. It provides a structured way to define form elements, validate user input, and handle form submissions.

25. How do you create a custom form in Drupal?

Custom forms can be created in Drupal by defining a form class that extends the FormBase class, implementing the buildForm() and submitForm() methods to define the form elements and handle form submissions, and then routing the form to a URL using the routing system.

26. What is the difference between hook_form_alter and hook_form_FORM_ID_alter?

  • hook_form_alter: Invoked to alter all forms on a Drupal site.
  • hook_form_FORM_ID_alter: Invoked to alter a specific form identified by its unique ID.

27. What is the Drupal render array?

The Drupal render array is a data structure used to define the markup and properties of HTML elements to be rendered on a Drupal page. Render arrays can be nested and manipulated to build complex page layouts and components.

28. How do you create a custom theme in Drupal?

Custom themes can be created in Drupal by defining a theme folder containing template files, CSS files, and other assets, and then defining a .info.yml file to declare the theme’s metadata and settings.

29. What is the difference between preprocess functions, process functions, and theme functions in Drupal?

  • Preprocess Functions: Preprocess functions are PHP functions that allow developers to alter variables before they are rendered by a theme. They are typically used to modify variables passed to template files (.tpl.php), allowing for customization of the markup and styling of elements.
  • Process Functions: Process functions are similar to preprocess functions but are applied after preprocess functions. They are used to manipulate variables further before they are rendered by the theme. Process functions are often used to add or modify attributes or perform other operations on render arrays.
  • Theme Functions: Theme functions are PHP functions that generate HTML output for specific elements or components in Drupal. They are responsible for rendering individual elements such as form elements, tables, or menus. Theme functions can be overridden or customized in custom themes or modules to change the appearance or behavior of these elements.

30. What is a Drupal distribution?

A Drupal distribution is a pre-configured package of Drupal core, contributed modules, themes, and configuration settings designed to address specific use cases or industries. Distributions provide a starting point for building Drupal websites tailored to particular needs, such as e-commerce, publishing, or education.

31. What is the difference between Drupal distributions and installation profiles?

  • Drupal Distributions: Drupal distributions are full packages that include Drupal core, contributed modules, themes, and configuration settings tailored for specific use cases.
  • Installation Profiles: Installation profiles are a subset of Drupal distributions. They include pre-configured settings and modules but offer more flexibility as they can be combined with other modules and themes during installation.

32. How do you update Drupal core and contributed modules?

Drupal core and contributed modules can be updated using the following steps:

  • Backup the website and database.
  • Put the site into maintenance mode.
  • Download the updated Drupal core or module files.
  • Replace the old files with the new ones.
  • Run the database update script by visiting /update.php.
  • Test the site to ensure everything is working correctly.
  • Take the site out of maintenance mode.

33. What is the purpose of the Update Manager module in Drupal?

The Update Manager module in Drupal checks for available updates to Drupal core, contributed modules, and themes. It provides administrators with notifications and status information about available updates, making it easier to keep the site secure and up-to-date.

34. What is the role of the .gitignore file in Drupal development?

The .gitignore file is used to specify intentionally untracked files that Git should ignore. In Drupal development, the .gitignore file typically includes directories like sites/default/files (which contains user-uploaded files and should not be version-controlled) and other temporary or generated files that do not need to be included in the repository.

35. How do you troubleshoot performance issues in Drupal?

Performance issues in Drupal can be troubleshooted by:

  • Enabling caching mechanisms such as Drupal’s internal caching or external caching solutions like Varnish.
  • Optimizing database queries and ensuring indexes are properly configured.
  • Minimizing the use of resource-intensive modules and themes.
  • Utilizing performance monitoring tools like New Relic or Blackfire to identify bottlenecks.
  • Reviewing server configuration and optimizing web server, PHP, and database settings.

36. What is the purpose of the Devel module in Drupal?

The Devel module is a suite of development tools for Drupal developers. It provides features such as debugging output, performance profiling, database query logging, and generation of dummy content. Devel helps developers streamline the development process and troubleshoot issues more efficiently.

37. What is the Batch API in Drupal?

The Batch API in Drupal is a mechanism for processing large tasks in smaller, more manageable batches. It allows time-consuming operations to be split into smaller chunks, which are processed sequentially in the background, while providing progress updates to the user.

38. How do you create a custom content type in Drupal?

Custom content types can be created in Drupal by navigating to the “Structure” > “Content types” page in the administration interface, clicking on “Add content type,” and then configuring the content type settings such as name, description, and fields.

39. What is the purpose of the Features module in Drupal?

The Features module in Drupal allows developers to package configuration settings, content types, views, and other components into reusable “features.” These features can then be exported to code and deployed to other Drupal sites, making it easier to manage and replicate site configurations.

40. How do you implement multilingual support in Drupal?

Multilingual support in Drupal can be implemented by enabling the Multilingual modules core module and configuring language settings. Content translation can be enabled for specific content types, and interface translation can be provided for strings and labels used in the site’s user interface. Additionally, contributed modules like Entity Translation or the Internationalization module can be used for more advanced multilingual features.

Technical Mastery: Essential Drupal Interview Questions

41. What is the purpose of the Contextual Links module in Drupal?

The Contextual Links module in Drupal provides a user-friendly interface for administrators and content editors to quickly access contextual editing options for individual elements on a Drupal page. It allows users to easily edit, configure, or delete content directly from the front-end of the site.

42. How do you create a custom field in Drupal?

Custom fields can be created in Drupal by navigating to the “Structure” > “Content types” page in the administration interface, clicking on the “Manage fields” link for the desired content type, and then adding a new field with the desired field type (such as text, number, date, etc.).

43. What is the purpose of the Field API in Drupal?

The Field API in Drupal provides a framework for defining and managing custom fields attached to content types, users, taxonomy terms, and other entities. It allows developers to create reusable field types, widgets, and formatters, and provides a unified interface for working with field data.

44. How do you create a custom field type in Drupal?

Custom field types can be created in Drupal by defining a field type plugin class, implementing hook_field_info() to declare the field type, and defining methods for handling field storage, widgets, and formatters. The field type plugin class should extend the FieldItemBase class provided by Drupal core.

45. What is the purpose of the Entity API in Drupal?

The Entity API in Drupal provides a unified interface for working with entities, which represent data objects such as nodes, users, taxonomy terms, and custom content entities. It provides functions and methods for creating, loading, saving, and deleting entities, as well as accessing and manipulating entity properties.

46. How do you create a custom entity type in Drupal?

Custom entity types can be created in Drupal by defining a new entity type using the Entity API, implementing hook_entity_info() to declare the entity type, and defining entity classes, controllers, and storage handlers as needed. Custom entity types can then be managed and manipulated like built-in entity types.

47. What is the purpose of the Entity Field Query in Drupal?

The Entity Field Query (EFQ) in Drupal provides a structured and efficient way to query entities and their fields programmatically. It allows developers to build complex database queries with conditions, filters, and sorting criteria, and retrieve matching entities as result objects.

48. How do you create a custom entity field in Drupal?

Custom entity fields can be created in Drupal by defining field definitions in the entity type annotation or configuration, implementing hook_entity_base_field_info() to declare base fields, or defining custom fields using the Field API and attaching them to the entity type programmatically or through configuration.

49. What is the purpose of the Render API in Drupal?

The Render API in Drupal provides a set of functions and classes for rendering structured data, such as render arrays or entities, into HTML markup. It handles the rendering process, including theme selection, template rendering, and caching, and provides a flexible and extensible system for generating output.

50. How do you create a custom render element in Drupal?

Custom render elements can be created in Drupal by defining a render element plugin class, implementing hook_element_info() to declare the render element, and defining methods for building, processing, and rendering the element. Custom render elements can then be used in render arrays like built-in elements.

51. What is the purpose of the Queue API in Drupal?

The Queue API in Drupal provides a mechanism for creating and managing queues of items that need to be processed asynchronously or in batches. It allows developers to add items to a queue, process them in a controlled manner, and handle errors or retries as needed.

52. How do you create a custom queue in Drupal?

Custom queues can be created in Drupal by implementing hook_queue_info() to declare the queue, defining a callback function or method to process queue items, and using the QueueFactory service to add items to the queue and process them asynchronously.

53. What is the purpose of the Batch API in Drupal?

The Batch API in Drupal provides a mechanism for processing long-running tasks in small, manageable batches. It allows developers to break up large operations into smaller chunks, process them sequentially, and provide progress updates to users.

54. How do you create a custom batch process in Drupal?

Custom batch processes can be created in Drupal by defining a batch operation using the batch API functions like batch_set() and batch_process(). Developers can define callback functions to perform the actual processing, handle errors, and provide progress updates using the batch API.

55. What is the purpose of the Queue API in Drupal?

The Queue API in Drupal provides a system for storing and processing items asynchronously. It allows developers to add items to a queue, process them in the background, and handle errors or retries as needed. This is particularly useful for tasks that are time-consuming or resource-intensive.

56. How do you create a custom queue in Drupal?

Custom queues can be created in Drupal by defining a queue in code using the QueueFactory service. Developers can then add items to the queue using the queue service and process them asynchronously using queue workers.

57. What is the purpose of the Database API in Drupal?

The Database API in Drupal provides a set of functions and classes for interacting with the database. It allows developers to execute SQL queries, fetch results, insert, update, and delete data, and perform other database operations in a secure and database-agnostic manner.

58. How do you execute a database query in Drupal?

Database queries can be executed in Drupal using the Database API functions like db_query() or db_select() for querying data, db_insert(), db_update(), and db_delete() for modifying data, and db_query_range() for querying a range of results.

59. What is the purpose of the Entity Query API in Drupal?

The Entity Query API in Drupal provides a structured and object-oriented way to query entities and their properties. It allows developers to build complex queries with conditions, filters, and sorting criteria, and retrieve matching entities as result objects.

60. How do you execute an entity query in Drupal?

Entity queries can be executed in Drupal using the EntityQuery class provided by the Entity Query API. Developers can use methods like condition(), range(), sort(), and execute() to build and execute queries against entities and their properties.

Real-Time Drupal Interview Questions And Answers

61. What is the purpose of the Configuration Management system in Drupal?

The Configuration Management system in Drupal allows developers to export and import configuration settings between different environments, such as development, staging, and production. It provides a standardized way to manage configuration changes and deploy them across multiple instances of a Drupal site.

62. How do you export configuration in Drupal?

Configuration can be exported in Drupal using the Configuration Management interface or Drush command-line tool. Developers can select specific configuration items or export the entire configuration set to YAML files, which can then be version-controlled and deployed to other instances of the site.

63. What is the purpose of the Features module in Drupal?

The Features module in Drupal allows developers to package and export configuration settings, content types, views, and other components into reusable “features.” These features can then be deployed to other Drupal sites, making it easier to manage and replicate site configurations.

64. How do you create a feature in Drupal using the Features module?

To create a feature in Drupal using the Features module, developers can use the Features UI or Drush commands to select the desired configuration items and package them into a feature. The feature can then be exported to code and deployed to other instances of the site.

65. What is the purpose of the Media module in Drupal?

The Media module in Drupal provides a framework for managing and displaying media assets, such as images, videos, and audio files, on a Drupal site. It allows content editors to easily upload, organize, and embed media assets into content using a unified interface.

66. How do you configure media types and media fields in Drupal?

Media types and media fields can be configured in Drupal using the Media module interface. Developers can define media types, such as image, video, or audio, and configure corresponding media fields with settings for file uploads, display options, and metadata.

67. What is the purpose of the Paragraphs module in Drupal?

The Paragraphs module in Drupal provides a flexible and reusable way to structure content on a Drupal site. It allows content editors to create custom “paragraph types” consisting of multiple fields, which can then be added and rearranged within content using a drag-and-drop interface.

68. How do you create a custom paragraph type in Drupal using the Paragraphs module?

To create a custom paragraph type in Drupal using the Paragraphs module, developers can define a new paragraph type with fields using the Paragraphs UI or programmatically using the Paragraphs API. The custom paragraph type can then be added to content types and used to structure content.

69. What is the purpose of the Layout Builder module in Drupal?

The Layout Builder module in Drupal provides a visual interface for building and customizing page layouts. It allows site builders and content editors to arrange and configure page elements, such as blocks, fields, and views, within a flexible grid-based layout system.

70. How do you enable and configure Layout Builder for content types in Drupal?

Layout Builder can be enabled and configured for content types in Drupal by navigating to the “Manage display” settings for the content type and selecting the “Layout Builder” option. From there, developers can configure Layout Builder settings, such as allowed layouts and field visibility.

71. What is the purpose of the Search API module in Drupal?

The Search API module in Drupal provides a framework for building and customizing search functionality on a Drupal site. It allows developers to index content from various sources, define search indexes with configurable fields and filters, and integrate with search engines like Solr or Elasticsearch.

72. How do you configure a search index using the Search API module in Drupal?

To configure a search index using the Search API module in Drupal, developers can create a new search index configuration, define the content sources and fields to index, configure filters and facets, and choose the search backend (such as database or external search engine).

73. What is the purpose of the Solr Search module in Drupal?

The Solr Search module in Drupal provides integration with the Apache Solr search engine. It allows developers to use Solr as the backend for search functionality on a Drupal site, providing advanced features such as faceted search, spell checking, and relevancy ranking.

74. How do you configure Solr Search integration in Drupal?

Solr Search integration can be configured in Drupal by installing and enabling the Solr Search module, configuring the connection settings for the Solr server, defining search indexes using the Search API module, and configuring search facets and filters as needed.

75. What is the purpose of the RESTful Web Services module in Drupal?

The RESTful Web Services module in Drupal provides a framework for building RESTful web services and APIs. It allows developers to expose Drupal data entities as REST resources, enabling integration with external applications, mobile apps, and other web services.

76. How do you configure RESTful Web Services in Drupal?

RESTful Web Services can be configured in Drupal by enabling the RESTful Web Services module, configuring permissions for accessing REST resources, defining REST resources using the REST UI module or custom code, and configuring authentication and serialization settings.

77. What is the purpose of the JSON:API module in Drupal?

The JSON:API module in Drupal provides a JSON:API-compliant web service for exposing Drupal content entities as JSON data. It allows developers to interact with Drupal content using standard JSON:API requests and responses, making it easier to integrate with front-end frameworks and decoupled architectures.

78. How do you enable and configure the JSON:API module in Drupal?

The JSON:API module can be enabled and configured in Drupal by installing and enabling the module, configuring permissions for accessing JSON:API resources, and configuring serialization settings for the JSON:API format.

79. What is the purpose of the Views module in Drupal?

The Views module in Drupal provides a powerful interface for creating, displaying, and managing dynamic lists of content on a Drupal site. It allows developers to define custom queries, sort and filter results, and display content in various formats such as tables, grids, or slideshows.

80. How do you create a custom view in Drupal using the Views module?

To create a custom view in Drupal using the Views module, developers can navigate to the “Structure” > “Views” page in the administration interface, click on “Add view,” configure the view settings such as data source, fields, filters, and display format, and save the view.


In conclusion, preparing for a Drupal interview involves understanding the core concepts of Drupal architecture, theming, module development, and best practices for site management. Through comprehensive research, hands-on experience, and rehearsing potential questions and answers, candidates can confidently showcase their expertise and readiness for Drupal-related roles. Additionally, demonstrating problem-solving skills, adaptability, and a passion for continuous learning can greatly enhance one’s candidacy. With diligent preparation and a clear understanding of Drupal’s intricacies, candidates can excel in their interviews and contribute effectively to Drupal projects and teams.

And finally, this comprehensive compilation of Drupal interview questions and answers serves as an invaluable resource for job seekers and enthusiasts alike. Stay tuned as we continually update and expand our collection to ensure you’re well-prepared for any Drupal interview scenario. Conclusion and Update8s: More Drupal Questions Coming Soon….

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Prasanthi Korada loves pursuing excellence through writing and has a passion for technology. She has successfully managed several websites. She is presently working as a Technical Writer for Tutorials Mania. Her previous professional experience includes Content writer at Mindmajix and Texas Review. She holds a Master’s degree in Technology. You can Connect with her also on LinkedIn.
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